Sunday, January 25, 2009

Speaking of Books

If you are a fan of Domino magazine, you are going to love this book.

It is chalk full of tips, tricks, and inspiration.

The pictures are wonderful, and they have included their big black book of resources.

And with the purchase of the book, Domino Magazine has included a one year subscription.
Now I'm off to finish drooling over all the amazining photos.
all images Domino Magazine

Friday, January 23, 2009

Number Art

I fell in love with this Numbers Canvas from Pottery Barn

And it's perfect in this room! Love the brick.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Kitchen is Organized

Kind of. As I stated before, I don't really have a pantry, only cupboards.... so I don't really have a lot to work with. I mostly re-arranged and cleared out all of the out-dated items. As usual, once I started I had to organized the rest of the cupboards and drawers. My family is happy that nothing was actually moved, so they don't need a map to find the silverware. I apologize for the quality of the pictures, I have an old camera, and do not know how to work the flash. I always get a glare, anyway, here we go....

see how low my cabinets are to the counter, drives me crazy... can't even fit a coffee pot under.

I decided to put my cookbooks on the top shelf. The above picture and the one below are side by side cabinets. this is my "pantry".

My spice cabinet that is next to the stove



another gadget drawer

and another gadget drawer. There is still one more, but the picture didn't turn out. Can you tell I work at a kitchen store ha ha.

my pots and pans cupboard. Hopefully someday that blue Le Creuset will be replaced with white :)
Well, that's it. That's the "fun" part about living in an old house. You have to get creative with cupboard space. I can't complain, I have plenty of it.... It's just weird. Now I need to work on the laundry room and linen closets.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Pantry

image: southern living
I know... I'm a little late to the party. It seems with the new year everyone has been organizing, kitchen pantries in particular. Tanya at Sunday Baker has inspired many people to share their pantry success. She has also shared some valuable tips.

image: cooking light
Also, check out Melaine's amazing pantry transformation at My Sweet Savannah.
I am truly inspired!

Now if I only had a pantry... unfortunately this house does not have one. What I do have is a row of cabinets with un-adjustable shelves that are too short. So there lies my dilemma...come up with some sort of system that will utilize the space that I do have. Find some sort of container that will hold a box of cereal so I can stop laying the boxes on their sides.

image: the container store
My pantry will never look like these, but they are fun for inspiration. A girl can dream.
This week I will be working on my "pantry" and a little kitchen re-organization (my family will be thrilled) in my never-ending attempt to make my kitchen more efficient. Pictures to follow later in the week, as thrilling as that may be ha ha.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Home Office

image: Costal Living

image: Domino Magazine
Someday I would like to have a home office. A whole room completely dedicated to the computer, wonderful books, and maybe even a little place to relax and read. Right now our computer is in the family room, too sad to even post a picture. I actually have the perfect room in mind for this dream office, however it is currently being occupied by one college student, and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
In the mean time.....

image: Pottery Barn
I can plot and plan and dream.

image: Domino Magazine
designer: Mary McDonald

image: Domino Magazine Love this fabulous chrome file cabinet!
I'm also dreaming of a guest bedroom, but that's another child, and another story ...

kitchen Inspiration

I know I have posted this kitchen before, but I thought is was worth re-visiting. I am really loving the style of pot rack in the two above pictures.

I'm always torn between having things on the counter for convenience, such as the toaster, stand mixer etc... and loving the minimal look with "clean" counters.

image: Hampton design
This ceiling is fabulous, also love the lighting!

image: Hampton design
Simple, but the chandeliers and bar stools add so much character. Love the un-dressed windows over the sink.

image: Domino magazine
I really like the stainless steel work surface on wheels.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Am I the first one to admit it???

Now that the holidays are over, and everything is packed away, I have decided that I am done with winter. I'm ready for warm sunshine, and spring flowers. Flip flops, capri pants, and short sleeve shirts. I know....we are several months away, but spring fever is hitting me early this year.
I'm already thinking (notice I only said "thinking" let's not get carried away) about spring cleaning.

Already starting to add a little bit of color to the house.
I think I'm just going to ignore the rest of the winter... anyone else with me?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Laundry Room

I've never really had a laundry room that I liked. In the three homes that we have lived in, the laundry room has always been located off the garage, and they have all been very narrow. Kind of a one butt laundry room, with no place to fold, iron, or even turn around. I don't know why... it's just always worked out that way. I know people that have laundry rooms in hallways, basements, bathrooms, even closets, but mine have always been in the same place.

image: hgtv
Wouldn't it be nice to have one of these laundry rooms?
A place to fold, and plenty of storage.
image: hampton design
I've always thought it would be great to have two washing machines, and a dryer.

I think the laundry room is going to have to be a consideration in the next house.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Industrial Kitchen

This kitchen has a lot of elements that I love. For one... the industrial look, stainless counters, pendant light fixtures, stainless open shelving, and last but not least the storage.

The grocery sign is great!
all images: country living

Friday, January 9, 2009

It's Back...

image: sur la table

Le Creuset in white, Yay! I never understood why in the world they would discontinue white, but they must have gotten the message, because it's back!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

White Bathrooms

image: Pottery Barn
Aside from white kitchens, I also love, you guessed it, white bathrooms. There just isn't anything better than a crisp white bathroom with big white thirsty bath towels. Unless maybe it's these cute polka dot towels from Pottery Barn.

image: Pottery Barn
Although I love my pink and brown bathroom, pink 50s tile would not be my first choice. and I know that it's days are numbered. So I thought I would share a few inspiration photos.

image: Pottery Barn